Monday, October 14, 2013

Founding Father's Day

The founding father of The Pearl House finally came to meet the girls! These pearls have been waiting what seems like an eternity to meet the man they have prayer for everyday. As Steve Bullard walked through the gate on Sunday, October 6th, he was bombarded with hugs, handshakes, and hellos. It was one of the best things I have ever watched. They girls couldn't stop smiling as Steve and the group came in. Steve was so overwhelmed that Bishop Odai stepped in and said some words to the girls. It is always very encouraging to the girls and the staff to hear what Bishop has to say. To make the introductions even sweeter, the first thing the girls did for the group was quote Matthew 13:45-46. Steve told me that he was numb before that and as soon as he heard the quotation he was pretty sure capillaries started bursting. It was beautiful. Even though we had a program at the church to go to, the girls couldn't wait to get inside and show Steve and the team everything. They started by quoting all their bible verses, then they sang and did their dances, then they showed them around the house. I loved seeing the girls just want to hold on to Steve, to never leave his side. After the program, everyone came back and the group was able to say goodnight to the girls and see them off to bed. The girls begged to stay home from school on Monday so they could spend time with the team, but unfortunately they all had testing. As the girls came running home from school that day, the team was there to help with homework and to read to the girls. Many of them pilled around the couch as Steve read one of their new books to them. We all ate together and played games before we headed off to church to the end of the program. It was a beautiful thing to see the girls surround their Dad and worship The Lord together. I couldn't help but just watch them all praise God. It didn't matter that they couldn't speak the same language, or that some were black and some were white, the girls were happy that they were at church with the man that cares so much about them giving thanks to the One who cares even more. Tuesday was Steve and the teams last day in Winneba, so we didn't plan anything for that night so they could spend quality time with girls. They all did homework together, colored together, looked at pictures together, read together, and ate together. Before the group had to leave, we all sat and had devotion together, filled with singing and praying. As Cory, one of the team members, spoke, the tears were streaming. When Steve began to encourage the girls, the tears were gushing down the faces of most if the people in the room. At the end of devotion, Steve gave each girl a pair of pearl earrings. It was a beautiful moment to see them receive this beautiful symbol of their worth given to them by someone so important in their lives. I think God blessed everyone's lives while the team was here. Even though the girls were sobbing as the team drove away, I knew that they couldn't be happier to have gotten to meet their dad. Many of these girls have lost their earthly father, so I encourage you to pray for Steve as he takes on this role in each girls life and that they always remember that their Heavenly Fathers loves them so much more.